What PBR Content do YOU want?
Hi there, Free PBR community! 🙂
While I know some of you have reached out to me for suggestions and requests in the past, I thought I would give the option right here on the site for you the community to give feedback for what sort of PBR content you might want to see in the future.
Are there some categories that are lacking that you could use or would love to see? What sort of gaps of content do you notice on the site that could be filled? Or do you think I should focus a bit more on complete textured models? I find for myself that I’m looking at textures so much that I might have become a bit blind as to what makes sense to add next.
So let me know in the comments section below what you would like to see in the future. Should I add more modern architecture related PBR? Or maybe more ancient, worn down stuff? Or more nature? Let me know. 🙂

What about more castle themed textures?
Yes! I agree!
I can get behind that. 🙂
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Hi! I believe that would be under copyright. 🙂
Bro can you pls add some blue lamp light textures pls pls….
Hi! Do you have any examples I can look at?
Human skin Textures
Nice. Thanks. 🙂
more stylized or cartoonish textures for games that have a art-style that isnt realistic
Good suggestion. 🙂
Pool tile materials would be nice!
Will look into it. 🙂
Cladding materials from manufacturer, say different pre patinated copper, anodized aluminium, cor-ten etc.
Should be in the manufacturer’s interest to have it on this site really. (to be used in architecture)
Very cool ideas. Thanks
Hi! I use your textures for roblox studio because roblox textures are so eh and overused lol. I was wondering if you could make some roofing materials like a tin roof, shingles, or concrete/clay tiles. Also more siding materials would be nice too. I know you already have bricks and concrete, but vinyl siding and wood/cabin siding would be super useful!
Hey, thanks for the ideas. I’ll look into that in the future. 🙂
thank you
Flesh texture (I work on horror games)
Cool idea. I’ll look into it. 🙂